Thursday, December 27, 2007

ASAP utilities

One side trip we need to take is get a copy of ASAP utilities

This is a free (for now anyways ) and invaluable help !! If they charge --PAY --it will be worth the money. If you are using an older version of Excel like many of us are - you have to do some digging on their web site to find the older version to match.

WHY is it worth it's weight in gold?
1) it will take negative numbers that show on the wrong side of the number and correct ... do it manually once and you will understand
2) a more advanced use - on reports like 6-4 sales by line --it will copy the line code to the lines below ( neat!! )

Another point -- we are guessing that you have some Excel training - if you are weak in Excel-- you will have to work at understanding the power Excel has in helping you run your business ...go make some sales charts or anything that will get you to track your business results in excel so you see where you are going.

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