Tuesday, July 22, 2008

how to calculate defect ratio's for customers

This is a bit complex - and assumes you have some good excel skills.

Master these skills -
1) get a laptop ( or regular PC ) and multiview PC software. Set up the 'capture screen data' option ( mentioned previously in this blog. You have to use a SERIAL line ( not the ethernet Acconnex fast line ) - so it will be slow for capture of the 6-9 data

Set up the laptop/PC as a PRINTER (call J-Con help desk) and have at the > prompt -=-do NOT sign into menu or the port will think it is BUSY. From another PC --send the 6-9 dump to the Laptop/PC ( which you are capturing the data).

If you get more than 500 pages you will need to open into a word doc and split into 500 page sections ( maybe you can go to 600 or 700 pages before you exceed the excel limit --since there is so much crap - extra lines and headers )

Import into Excel - click on the image to see the template setting to cut at what position ( found thru trial & error )

Now you have EVERY INVOIVE you have done in that time frame ---

Transaction code types
DR - Dept Return
FR - Fleet Return
IAP - Web-Link
IR - store return
IS - Store Use
RET - cust return
SR - Shop Return
SU - Store Use
SVC - ???
WHR - Warehouse Return
WR - Warranty Customer

You can sort and have fun ....... end of part # 1 --- see part # 2 on defect rations coming soon
WVR - Warehouse Warranty

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